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A MGYNT legfrissebb hírei

Hírkategória: Általános
  • Figyelem!

    A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom archív.

    NEXT EPNS FREE JOURNAL CLUB 40-60 minute webinar
    [2023.02.17.] - MGYNT - Hírkategória: Általános

    The EPNS Scientific and Research Committee together with the Young EPNS (YEPNS) are hosting the EPNS Journal Club in the shape of interactive webinars discussing selected articles of key interest to Child Neurologists on the 4th Wednesday of every other month at 17:00h CET.

    Each Journal Club will be broadcast live via the Zoom Webinar platform for approximately 40 to 60 minutes.

    Covering the tools and techniques to understand and appraise the latest publications, the webinars will be informative and interactive.

    Available for FREE to both EPNS members and non-members, all are welcome.

    We hope you will join us.

    Date and Time

    Wednesday 22 February 2023 17:00h Belgium time


    Early recognition of SGCE-myoclonus-dystonia in children


    Myoclonus–dystonia syndrome is a childhood-onset movement disorder related to mutations in the SGCEgene. Movement-related symptoms usually first appear in childhood or early adolescence, with the development of myoclonus, approximately 50% of patients also developing focal or segmental dystonia. While the myoclonus phenotype of SGCE-myoclonus–dystonia has been extensively assessed in previous studies, the dystonic phenotype has only been evaluated using scales designed for primary generalized dystonia. We will discuss the results of a cross sectional study involving 49 patients, with the purpose of evaluating early focal dystonic features in children and adolescents, potentially aiding in early diagnosis and timely therapeutic approach.

    Early recognition of SGCE-myoclonus-dystonia in children,
    authored by Correa-Vela, M., Carvalho, J., Ferrero-Turrion, J., Cazurro-Gutiérrez, A., Vanegas, M., Gonzalez, V., Alvárez, R., Marcé-Grau, A., Moreno, A., Macaya-Ruiz, A.; Pérez-Dueñas, B. (2023).  Developmental medicine and child neurology, 65(2), 207–214.

    Senior Chair: Dr Jean Pierre Lin, Evelina Children’s Hospital, Guy’s & St Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust, London

    YEPNS Presenter: Dr Horea-Constantin Chirilă, Pediatric Neurology Clinic, “Prof. Dr. Alexandru Obregia” Clinical Hospital, Bucharest, Romania

    YEPNS Moderator: Dr Joana Afonso Ribeiro, Coimbra’s Pediatric Hospital, Coimbra’s Hospital and University Centre, Coimbra, Portugal

    To Register: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Iat1-i2mRxKOwfrl8T9haA

    Registration is free and all are welcome, so please share this invitation with your colleagues. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the EPNS Journal Club webinar.

    More EPNS Journal Club Webinar News

    Look out for announcements about upcoming EPNS Educational webinars: 
    Fully paid EPNS members have access to a selection of RECORDINGS OF PREVIOUS EPNS WEBINARS: CLICK HERE

    More EPNS News

    Next EPNS Educational Webinar

    Wednesday 8 March 2023 17:00h - 18:15h Central European Time (CET)
    Tuberous sclerosis complex – diagnosis and management’
    Presenters: Prof Anna Jansen
    Chair: Prof Dimitrios Zafeiriou
    To register:  https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_xrdWuOz_TAa5stO8YER08Q
    EPNS Case Discussion Webinar
    Wednesday 22 March 2023 17:00h - 18:00h Central European Time (CET)
    Details to follow

    2 Online accredited courses:  https://www.epns.info/child-neurology-in-infancy-online-courses/

    EPNS New Member Application form: https://www.epns.info/become-an-epns-member/new-membership-application/

    Any questions, you are very welcome to email info@epns.info

    Find Out More
